A lot of home cooks consider vegetables as something of an afterthought, a food they need to add to the meal before serving it so the plate does not look incomplete. This is a real shame, because not only can vegetables enhance any meal, they can be the main ingredients in a dish. Some famous dishes are vegetable-based. Take ratatouille for example – a fine combination of fresh vegetables, garlic, and a little oil and red wine vinegar. This classic French recipe really shows off the beauty of vegetables. Other examples include classic vegetable soup, wonderful salads made with perhaps broccoli, spinach or pumpkin, vegetable stews and casseroles, as well as tasty, comforting soup recipes.
Healthy and Versatile
Vegetables are a healthy and important part of the diet and, when cooked right, they can taste incredible. Canned and frozen vegetables can be used as standbys in case you run out of fresh ones, but nothing beats fresh veggies if you want the best-tasting meals. A lot of vegetables are really versatile too, so you might like to swap the broccoli in a recipe for cauliflower, the red bell pepper for mushrooms, or the baby spinach for arugula. If the kids are picky eaters, there are plenty of colorful, tasty varieties to choose from, and you can incorporate fresh vegetables in everything from vege-burgers to pasta dishes, rice-based dishes, and so much more. It is hard to imagine a meal without vegetables!
Vegetable Cooking Tips and Techniques
There are many cooking techniques for veggies, including broiling, grilling, braising, roasting, steaming, and sautéing. Some are better raw while others should be cooked. Some vegetables can be served as a side dish, perhaps broiled, barbequed or mashed, while others can be chopped and tossed together to make a salad. Even leftover vegetables can be mashed up with flour and egg to make patties which you can pan-fry the following day for breakfast or as a side dish.
This affordable ingredient comes in a whole rainbow of colors, each type offering its own nutritional benefits, so if you are not already incorporating plenty of vegetables in your family’s diet, you might like to take this opportunity to learn more about them and rediscover their wonderful flavors and versatility. If you usually tend to stick to the same vegetables, try adding some new ones into your diet – the more the merrier! It is easy to get tired of having the same flavors all the time, but learning new ways with familiar vegetables and discovering new types of vegetables can open up a whole new world of amazing flavor.